Come to the Table is an invitation to personal healing, an opportunity to help others on their healing journey, and a lifelong community.
To walk alongside others in their healing journey.
To build community and host a safe place to be vulnerable and heal together.
To use the same principles of healing to take hope and healing to your family, friends, and community.
Come to the Table
Do you need healing in your body, spirit, or soul? Are you having bad dreams or some type of spiritual oppression? Have you noticed an issue in your life that you can’t seem to get rid of no matter how hard you try on your own strength, pray, or get help through other means? Or maybe you just want a mental, emotional, and spiritual detox?
Come to the Table to find rest for your weary soul. The first component to this program is for you to discover healing in your own life. We believe there is only one healer and deliverer - Jesus. We have seen many encounter the Lord in supernatural ways to bring deep healing like they’ve never experienced.
Each member of this program will receive three one-on-one inner healing sessions, in addition to the group healing journey.
While we prioritize our own healing first, we can be a catalyst to see hope restored to our neighbors, communities, businesses, and organizations. Come to the Table to be equipped to use inner healing principles at your dinner table conversations to administer hope and healing to your family, friends, and community.
Continue to Come to the Table. God created us for community. At the close of the program, you will be invited to remain in community with others who have taken this same journey.
If you choose to accept, you will be given principles on how to begin your own ministry of healing in your community.
You will also be given an opportunity to join the Rapha Nation community and/or join one of our international or seeds projects to take healing to another nation.
Below are a few of the topics we will cover when you Come to the Table.
Lord vs. Savior
Our Identity in Jesus Christ
The Power of Listening
How to Hear the Voice of God
Inner Healing & Deliverance
Hinderances to Healing
Authority over your Home
In-person and virtually, this program can be facilitated as a weekend retreat and/or a 13-17 week program meeting once a week.
Come to the Table 101 is an invitation to connect your heart to the heart of Father God.
Come to the Table 201 is an invitation to walk in the Spirit of God in your everyday life.
Come to the Table 301 is a two-day retreat focused on leading you through an inner healing and deliverance journey.
Come to the Table is developed for individuals who have a passion to use healing principles in their own family and community.
If your desire is to first focus on your own healing, then we encourage you to sign up for an inner healing session on our contact page.
Good question. We are looking for women & men who agree with the following:
* You like to have fun!
* You have a regular prayer & word life.
* You want to start seeing miracles.
* You like good food and laughing.
* You have a desire to learn more about your creator.
* You are going to commit to attend and participate in 85% of classes. The principles taught at the beginning of the class will be instrumental in the fulfillment of the principles at the middle and end of the class. So, if you miss 2 sessions, then you will be asked to wait & enroll in a future program.
* You want your faith in Jesus to soar like eagles wings in the supernatural.
* You are willing to complete a questionnaire and receive ministry via one or more inner healing/deliverance sessions. These are confidential, 1-on-1 sessions.
Rapha Nations is a 501C3 non-profit organization, so all of our services/programs are free of charge. Donations are appreciated to help cover the administrative costs of our organization. All gifts are tax deductible.
You may give a donation at https://raphanation.com/give
Right now, Come to the Table is an invitation to woman over the age of 18 years old. We hope to offer this to men, couples, and teens in the near future.
In-person sessions will begin Spring 2025 sessions. To sign-up, complete the application form on our website.
Year around online sessions will be launched in 2026.
All sessions are be led by individuals who have completed a Come to the Table course and experienced healing and freedom.
Come to the Table leaders are coached by experienced inner healing/deliverance ministers.
Oversight of Come to the Table is given by Rapha Nation’s founder and President, Khristina. A U.S.A. native, her adventurous spirit has inspired her to work and live in more than 60 countries on five continents (Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and Australia.)
Khristina has 15 years of experience in inner healing, deliverance, coaching, organizational development, and equipping others to help usher them into God’s purpose. These relationships have supported the building of an orphanage in Ukraine, Human Trafficking Program in the Philippines, the end to physical and spiritual malnourishment for 9,000 children in the Philippines, translation of the bible in three languages, and holistic healing in many unreached nations.
Khristina has a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Counseling with an emphasis on Family and Marriage Counseling. She is certified in Project Management Development. She is also an ordained minister.
Rapha Nation through our founder has reached thousands through healing crusades, personal inner healing, and deliverance sessions.
Come to the Table is the local expression of God’s heart for the nations to train and equip others to experience God’s healing holistically - physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.
What are others saying about
Come to the Table ?
Come to the Table under the teaching of Khristina changed me! It was what I had been searching for in my spiritual life. The part that was the most impactful was learning to rest and soak in the presence of our Lord. I was so excited about the experience I had that I wanted others to know & experience it also. So I preceded to form a small group of ladies to share with them how to soak in the love & presence of Jesus. In doing this we hear more clearly and feel more powerfully His presence. It was life changing for me. ~ Wanda
Come to the Table has helped me to quiet my mind, to be able to open my heart and mind to hear the Lord. I feel relaxed and rested. It has also helped me to pray better. ~ Debbie
Going through Come to the Table has been so helpful. I have learned how to take captive my thoughts of darkness. It no longer has power over me and my loved ones. Another benefit of this intimate group is we have drawn closer as friends and feel safe in sharing our innermost thoughts and fears with one another. This is such a freeing blessing for me. God has given me a new peace I haven't ever known and I am truly blessed to have his salvation for my spirit and soul. ~Sandra
I am forever thankful for the leaders, teachings, and activations that led me into the healing arms of Jesus. The teaching on hearing the voice of God has been life-changing for me. I never thought I could hear Him that clearly and be confident about it. I never felt so much love from the Father as I do now! ~ Eleanor
Come to the Table showed me how to experience the ultimate heart of worship
in the presence of the throne of Jesus. It has made me more aware of WHO HE IS and WHO I AM because of HIS GREAT LOVE AND SACRIFICE. It has brought Jeremiah 33:3 to life. Even though I don’t understand HIS Ways in difficult circumstances, I see Him putting all things together for His purpose and being able to praise Him in the highs and lows of life knowing HE is in control of all. To approach the throne for these things with more confidence and to see Him working through the ladies in our small group speaks volumes. Most importantly, I can sense His presence more.
~ Ann
I have struggled so much with my identity and just really feeling the Love of God. Coming into this I was not sure what to expect because I attended the “virtual “ class. I knew I had to get in and give it a try. I won’t lie I was so hesitant at first, but then when I completely surrendered to Jesus and agreed with the Holy Spirit to have his way EVERYTHING CHANGED! I learned to soak, journal, I learned to recognize the lies of the enemy, and come out of agreement with those lies! ~ Jane