Personal Spiritual Inventory
Short stories of freedom shared by using this spiritual inventory.
Story 1:
A woman I never met contacted me via another friend's recommendation. She had been experiencing multiple unnatural sexual dreams. After walking through this spiritual inventory, the dreams stopped.
Story 2:
A mother contacted me that I’ve known for over 10 years. She lives in another state and contacted me via FB messenger because her husband awoke to a demon hovering over him one morning. When they completed this spiritual inventory, they discovered that the father and son had been watching porn. The father and son repented, removed some items from their home, and set boundaries. The demon has yet to return.
● This spiritual inventory has worked with people who encountered spirits, need healing, having bad dreams, or just wanted to do a spiritual detox. I have walked through this with adults, youth, and children. I’ve completed this myself many times.
● Please be sure you walk through this together as a family and/or include everyone that lives in the home. One person’s actions can impact an entire household.
● This is no way exhaustive. It’s just an outline to have a starting point. If you need help during this process, I welcome you to contact me for questions, help, or prayer counseling.
● It’s important to listen for the voice of the Lord through this process who may show you what to do. There is no set method to freedom. God is the one who gives freedom, not a method or process. The questions are vague to leave room for God to lead you, not me. These are just guidelines that I’ve used for two decades and seen God perform miracles.
● I would love to hear what happens next if you are willing to share. Go to our “contact” page to share your story.
We recommend that the personal spiritual inventory be completed first before the house spiritual inventory.
SECTION 1: Personal Spiritual Inventory
SECTION 2: House Spiritual Inventory
SECTION 1: Personal Spiritual Inventory
Think back to when the issues first started. What was happening in your life at that time? Ask the Lord to reveal what was happening in life? If the issues just started two weeks ago or month(s) ago, then think back to what happened two weeks/months ago. Ask God, “Lord, reveal to me what door was opened two weeks ago?”
What happened in your life when the issue began will most often fall into 5 categories:
1. Personal Sin
2. Generational Sin/Curse
3. Lies
4. Words/Soulish Prayers
5. Spirit
You can ask the Lord which category you should address for this one issue. Each issue may have a different entry point, so pray over them separately unless God shows you differently. If you’ve prayed through one category and still have the issue, then further prayer can be done to explore if there are other categories to consider. It is possible to have all 5 categories. If this is the case, remember that the first four are doorways for a spirit to enter. So you need to close the first four doors before the last door closes.
The issue may fall into several categories which you will see as you continue to read.
Personal Sin:
Like the story of the husband and son who was watching porn (sin), this opened a door for a spirit (the issue) to harass them. If God revealed that you have opened a door to the enemy through personal sin in your life, then follow the steps below:
Next steps: Repent, which means you ask God for forgiveness, then turn away from it. God is just and faithful to forgive all our sins. (Psalms 103:3) The father and son in the story set boundaries on their TV, computer usage, phone permissions, etc. as a way of repentance.
Optional Prayer: (You may pray your own prayer or speak this one out loud if you agree with everything it says.)
“God, I admit that I have sinned against you (and others or myself). I ask you to forgive me for [say the sin]. Your word says in Psalms 103:3 that you forgive all sins and I thank you for forgiving me. I choose to turn away from this sin by [what you will do, say, act]. Thank you, Jesus.”
Generational Sin/Curse:
If God revealed that you’ve had this issue since you were a child, then it could be a generational sin or curse passed down to you. Or if you notice that your parents, grandparents,
great-grandparents and even children deal with the same issue, then it’s likely generational. For example: Diabetes, Eating disorders, Depression, Pornography, Addictions, etc.
In Story 2, the father discovered that his actions of watching pornography since he was a teenager, then watching again as an adult opened a door for his son to walk through, so they dealt with generational sin as well.
Next Steps: Ask for forgiveness for the iniquity, then break any generational curses over your life from your ancestors. The bible says this can go back to the fourth & fifth
generation (Numbers 14:18, Exodus 20:5). After that you will pronounce a blessing of God over your life. Anytime you take away something from the enemy, then replace it with something from the Lord. (i.e. peace, joy, love, forgiveness, etc.)
Optional Prayer: (You may pray your own prayer or speak this one out loud if you agree with everything it says.)
“God, your word says, “Cursed is any man who hangs on the tree.” Thank you for sending your son, Jesus Christ, to hang on a tree and die on the cross for my sins and the sins of my ancestors. I place the cross of Jesus between me and [name the generational
sin/curse] and it no longer has power over me, my children, or my children’s children in Jesus Name.”
Having a relationship with God is based all in faith. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1) Another way to describe “faith” is “Faith is what we believe.” Traditionally we think faith is a good thing, but billions of people have faith that Budda, Allah, and other false gods are true and we know there is only ONE God. The only way to the Father is through the son, Jesus Christ. (John 14:6)
God created us with a Will. He created us to believe and worship Him, but has not forced us to do so. God created us to have a choice. He wants us to choose to believe, worship Him and have a relationship with Him. “Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12) The key word being “believe.” Having this free Will also gives us an option to not receive God's love and instead believe the lies of the enemy. The choice is made the same way- through what we choose to believe.
The truth is everyone believes lies, even if we don’t recognize the lies, which is why this step is important. Often the lies are deep seeded and sometimes they are on the surface but we don’t know how to get rid of them. For example, a middle-aged woman who has control issues may believe she is “not good enough” (the lie). So, she tries to be perfect in all her ways and if things always go her way, then she thinks she will feel “good enough.” She knows in her mind that the bible says we can’t claim we are sufficient in ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God. (2 Corinthians 3:5) Or Ephesians 2:8 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” Yet in knowing all these verses, she still believes what she does determines her worth because the enemy has planted a seed/lie in her heart (not mind).
The only one who can replace that lie is God - the way, the truth, and the life.
First, we need to identify the lie. This takes time with the Lord.
Secondly, we replace the lie with God’s truth. I often join someone when praying through this category, but if you are alone then take out your bible and look up every scripture you can find that relates to this lie. Write down the scriptures on paper. Then go back through them and read aloud the scriptures. There is power in writing down things (Habakkuk 2:2) and speaking them out loud (Proverbs 18:21).
Third, ask the Lord to replace the lie with truth.
Optional Prayer: (You may pray your own prayer or speak this one out loud if you agree with everything it says.)
“God, I know that you are the way, the truth, and the life. I have been believing a lie that [name the lie(s)] and I’m choosing instead to believe you. I invite you to come now, dig out this lie in my spirit where I have believed that [name the lie(s)] and replace it with your truth. I choose instead to believe [out loud say all the scriptures you wrote down.]”
Wait for a moment in silence.
“Father God, show me how you view me?”
Wait for another moment in silence to listen for the Lord’s voice.
Then write down what He said and say, “Thank you, Jesus, I receive [say out loud what God told you.]
Words/Soulish Prayers:
Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” We know that the tongue has power because it was God who “spoke” the world into existence and the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us as Christians. (Romans 8:11)
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve prayed for people to receive healing and they see immediate relief of symptoms, then when they walk away I hear them say to someone else, “Well, you know this runs in my family…” In that moment, that person has wiped out the healing that just took place in their body because when we prayed they chose to believe in God who says he is our healer. But when they opened their mouth and spoke to the person, they opened a door for generational sin/curse/disease to enter right back into their body.
We talked earlier about how God has given us a Will to choose what we believe. He wants us to believe His word because it brings life, however, we can choose to believe the words of the enemy, which produces death.
If God revealed to you that your issue falls into this category, try to think back to the time you started having this issue, did you speak words of life or death?
Another type of death we can speak is called, Soulish prayers. (James 3) These are prayers prayed against someone else’s (free) Will. For example, there is a guy that I really like and I want him to go out with me. He has not shown interest and even told me he was interested in someone else. A soulish prayer would be, “Lord, please make him not like that other girl and turn his affection towards me.” I’m taking that power that I’ve been given and using it to get what my soul wants, not what that other person’s soul wants. That’s manipulation, which does not come from God. What you have done is when you asked for soulish desires that are clearly against another person’s will, you’ve now called on the power of the enemy, not God. I’ve had people say, “Then why is that guy starting to like me now after praying? God must be answering my prayers?” Nope. Someone is answering you, but it’s not God. Manipulation and control are forms of witchcraft. (1 Samuel 15:23)
Soulish words/prayers can also be prayers that seek to control or accuse another person. (i.e. gossip) Another name for Satan is accuser (Revelation 12:10) and the bible says that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. If God doesn’t accuse others, then neither should we. Can you think of a time when you prayed soulish prayers? Or perhaps your issue is a result of someone praying soulish prayers against you and you didn’t know it?
Next Steps: If God revealed to you that your issue falls into this category, try to think back to the time you started having this issue, did you speak words of life or death?
Can you think of a time when you prayed soulish prayers? Or perhaps your issue is a result of someone praying soulish prayers against you and you didn’t know it?
Ask for forgiveness and REPENT (remember this is changing your actions) for speaking negative words and receiving negative words spoken over you. Cancel any assignment of the enemy formed against you as a result of those words.
Optional Prayer: (You may pray your own prayer or speak this one out loud if you agree with everything it says.)
“Father, God, forgive me for the words that I spoke [say those words here] that have produced death in my life. I repent for continuing in this way of speaking and ask the Holy Spirit to remind me when I’m speaking death and not life. I choose today to speak life (healing, restoration, wholeness, etc) over my heart, mind, soul, and body. In Jesus Name, I cancel every negative word that I have spoken over myself and every negative word or soulish prayers that have been spoken over me. I cancel every assignment of the enemy that has been formed against me as a result of these negative words in Jesus Name. I invite only God’s plan, His purpose, and His words of truth to prevail in my mind, heart, soul, body, and life. Thank you, Jesus.”
Before you move on to SECTION 2: House Inventory, of this spiritual inventory ask the Lord, “Do I need to take a few minutes, hours, 24 hrs, or longer to rest? Process? Rest in His presence?
Once you have rested and processed with the Lord, then check out our House Inventory using the same password.
A Prayer from the Founder
“God, I thank you that you are our protector. You go before us and you are our rear guard. You are also a patient God who loves us. Thank you for your daughter reading this and for their hearts to pursue you. The enemy is tormenting them right now, which I know you are not happy about. I’m not happy either. You have given us the power and authority to tell the enemy to leave. IN JESUS NAME, I take authority over every lying spirit that may try to speak right now. Only the Lord Jesus Christ is allowed to speak to them as they seek God in the above endeavors. God, I know you will reveal your truth to them because you are the truth. I release boldness, faith, peace, and love that casts out all fear into them now. Thank you, Jesus.”
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Rapha Nations is a 501C3 non-profit organization, so all of our services are free of charge. Donations are appreciated to help cover the administrative costs of our organization. All gifts are tax deductible.