Worthy of Healing
I could hear the tender heart of this husband as he asked me to pray for his wife, Martha. She shared how the surgery performed on her back over 40 years ago was unsuccessful and how she had lived in constant pain ever since.
I asked her what her pain level was on a scale from 1 (no pain) to 10 (extreme pain). She said, “If I sit still, the pain is at a 4, but if I move around, the pain is at an 8 or 9. So I try to sit still as much as I can.”
Then she preceded to tell me that she was raised in a denomination that taught healing is not for today. As the conversation continued, Martha shared a few more things about what she had come to believe over the years.
Martha: “I don’t think I’m worthy to be healed.”
I knew immediately that this was a lie from the enemy, so with her permission, I prayed a simple prayer.
Me: God, will you tell Martha what you think of her?
After a few moments of waiting….
Martha: I didn’t hear anything because God doesn’t talk to me. (Another lie of the enemy.) However, I did feel like God loves me.
Me: Martha, you just heard from God. That is true. He does love you. The enemy wants you to believe that you are unworthy and that God doesn’t talk to you. However, both of these statements are untrue. If you agree with the words that I pray, would you repeat them after me?
Martha: Yes, I will pray, but I just don't think I'm worthy. I don’t think I’m worthy enough for Him.
Me: God, thank you for your love towards me. I don’t want to believe these lies of the enemy anymore that says, “I’m unworthy, and God doesn’t talk to me.” I silence all lies of the enemy in Jesus name. Instead, I receive God’s truth that He knit me together in my mothers womb, that I am a masterpiece, a chosen child of God, and I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Martha repeated the words after me. Then we waited for a moment in silence. I looked over at the husband to see how he was doing, because I heard him praying the words with his wife. Tears flowed freely down his face.
Me: Martha, how are you feeling after that prayer?
Martha: When we were praying, I felt a release in my back. I have no more pain.
Me: Praise the Lord! Do you want to try to move around and see if you have pain?
Martha: Can we wait? I just want to sit here for awhile and feel the relief. I've had pain for so long, I just want to enjoy it.
Me: Ok. I completely understand. Enjoy the the healing power of God in your back.
We sat and chatted for another 20 mins or so about different things. I shared a few stories, then I asked Martha if she was still pain free. She agreed that the pain was still gone. Then I asked her, “If I say to you, ‘Martha, you are not worthy and you don’t hear the voice of God,' does that sound true to you?”
Martha: No. I don’t really think anything about that statement.
Me: Wow! So you don't feel unworthy of God anymore?
Martha: No. I don't feel anything. Sometimes I feel sad and depressed though.
Since Martha didn’t have any feelings about that statement, this showed me that God had healed her. Before she was stating she was unworthy over and over again as if it was an anthem. However, now she thought nothing of it. The emotion and identity of unworthiness was gone.
However, she shared something new....she felt depressed. Depression in scripture is called a spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61) and it is not God’s plan for us. However, before we deal with that, I asked her if she had pain when she moved around?
Martha: I have no pain when I sit still, but when I move around the pain is less than before. It’s about a 2 or 3.
Me: Wow! Thank You, Jesus!!! It was an 8 or 9. Now it’s a 2 or 3. The healing has continued. Let's keep praying.
I led Martha in another prayer to rebuke the spirit of heaviness and receive God’s joy, then I laid hands on her and prayed for all pain to go in Jesus name. After this, God told me to have her husband pray for her and he agreed. Immediately her pain level went down to a one.
Healing has a name. His name is Jehovah Rapha and His heart is to heal you too.
His heart is to give healing to the nations.