I do not and will not question the things God tells me. I come into agreement with the word and acknowledge every good thing that I have. I cancel every negative, idle word that has been spoken over me, that I spoke over anyone or myself. I cancel them to their roots. I reverse it right now.
I have a wholesome tongue. A healing tongue is the tree of life and is healing to the flesh and bones. I do not have a sick, perverse or a lack tongue. I refuse to fear. I refuse to accommodate sickness. I refuse stress. I refuse to talk want or lack. I have all sufficiency in all things, lacking nothing! I control my words therefore I have the ability to control and bridle my whole physical body. I control my body by controlling my words. I speak life into my body. I speak life into my destiny. I speak life into my mind. I will not consider the facts and circumstances of life. I only consider what the word says!
I activate the power of God by His Word. So I choose to open my mouth and create my world with my words. I take hold of the word of God and the eternal life it provides. I take hold of the life of God I have received. The words of my mouth, they are Spirit and they are Life. I am not sick. I am not a failure. I cancel every word of death on my life. I reverse those words and call them null and void. It will not have an affect on me or my descendants. Death will not have me. Right now, I am the beloved of the Most High. Right now, I am the head and not the tail. Iām above only and not beneath. I am steadfast, immovable, unshakeable, and always abounding in all things. Christ is in me, the hope of glory. I am strengthened with might by the Spirit of God in my inner man. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in me. He lives in me. I have the life of God in me. I have the power of the Holy Spirit at work in me. I live the Zoe life of God.
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